Saving money in college is extremely important. You want to make sure that you are able to keep your money for as long as possible, to pay food and books. There are a few tips that you can use to save the most money possible in your college experience.
The first step to avoid paying out for your college experience is to eat at the dorm. Most people live there, you probably do too! Take advantage of the food that you paid for and do not spend your hard earned dollars on eating out at McDonald's or another fast food establishment. Sure, they might be convenient, but the money does add up!
The second step to avoid paying out for your college experience is to buy your books online. A number of college freshman go into the college bookstore and purchase the required books off the shelf. You do not have to do this! Simply find the books that you need online and purchase them at about half of the cost of new versions.
Financial aid can be one of the best things that you can get. It is most often free money that you will never have to pay back. Do not forget to apply for the FASFA or additional scholarships that could give you more money. Only apply for scholarships that you have a good chance at winning, as there are thousands of scholarships you could apply for.
Avoiding eating out, buying your books online and applying for financial aid can save you a boat load of money in college. Do not forget to take advantage of as many of these tips as you can!
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Friday, September 25, 2009
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